Pakistan Working Paper DISEC Arda SARIFAKIOĞLU
Main Submitter: Pakistan
General Assembly
1 Signing the non-proliferation treaty
encouraging Pakistan and India to sign the Non-proliferation treaty
2- Treaty of not using nuclear weapons in outer space or underwater
3- There should be fines on countries that will illegally use nuclear weapons
United Nations should establish a committee that will regulate the illegal uses of nuclear weapons around the world
The committee should be responsible for reporting issues of illegal nuclear uses to the united nation security council.
There should be financial-economic sanctions put on those countries that will break these rules.
4 – Regional co-operation agreement on nuclear weapons uses and every country in the region should be encouraged to sign it.
5- All member states should a nuclear peace treaty that will be used to govern the nuclear activities of the region.
6-Protection of Animals and plants from nuclear threat.
United Nations through( Who) should establish a program that will inspect and protect the life’s of plants and animals from nuclear pollutions.
7- Regional and international interventions in case of nuclear mistakes
There should a regional organization set to help countries or state that will mistakenly have a nuclear problem,
it should like medical facilities, nuclear pollution protection centres, Humanitarian aid for nuclear-effected countries.
Stable iodine tablets delivery by detecting possible explosion or dispersion
8- Reduction of nuclear weapons production
There should be a standard set for nuclear weapons production in the region
No countries should have more nuclear weapons than others in a region
All nuclear weapons should be monitored on a yearly basis by the United Nations security council.
9 – Environmental protection agency should be established specifically for the nuclear-effected countries.
Create a safe zone in case of a possible explosion
Nuclear power plant away from the settlement
Development of filters for air pollution caused by nuclear power plants.
Common regional nuclear power.
10- Any members state intentionally goes against these laws if in acted should punish with economic sanctions for a year or two
This will strengthen the resolution and make member states that are less powerful safe from nuclear harms
It will bring about regional stability and economic competition amongst members state.