PR China Resolution SOCHUM Selim Arda Tekin
Committee: Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Committee
Sponsors: People’s Republic of China
Topic: Regulation on Human Trafficking and Protection of the Victims
Bearing in mind that Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others,
Recalling its resolution 55/25, which adopted the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Person, especially Women and Children; the first globally binding instument with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons,
Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various UN bodies and nongovermantel organisations to eliminate Human Trafficking and Smuggling,
Fully alarmed by the facts that 21 million people are in the danger of modern-day slavery and estimates about the 150 billion USD annual profit being made through human trafficking,
Confident about UN body and NGOs’ capaticy to solve the issue of Human Trafficking and Forced Labour through the valuable efforts of the member nations
Stressing the fact that United Nations faces significant financial obstacles and is in need of reform,
Calls upon all member states to ratify the Forced Labour Convention, which was established with the aim of supressing all forms of forced labour;
Expresses its hope about the elimination of the child labour by pointing out a report by the International Labour Organization, accoring to which the global number of children involved in child labour has fallen significantly in the last decade, from 246 million to 168 million;
Encourages all member states to take actions against human trafficking by showing their support to Blue Heart Campaign, which is an anti-trafficking program started by UNODC in 1997;
Strongly condemns the acts of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, from which an estimated 4.5 million are suffering;
Further invites all member states to establish their own state-funded anti-trafficking organisations for the elimination of all kinds of human trafficking within the borders of the respective country and prosecution of those who commit to do so;
Emphasizes the importance of United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) , which was launched by UNODC;