HARVARD Rules of Procedure Answer the following questions regarding HARVARD rules of procedure The Moderator can/cannot temporarily transfer his duties to another member of the committee staff or other designees of the Director. can cannot 2. The Committees shall commence the parliamentary discussions when at least ……….. of their members (as declared at the beginning of the conference) are present in the Committee room. 1/2 1/3 1/4 2/3 3. Substantive vote necessities the presence of …………………… of the members of the Committee. simple majority two thirds majority full consensus 4. Note passing is automatically suspended during: …………………………………… Moderated caucuses Roll-call GSL 5. Once there has been a yield by the speaker to another delegate, this yielded time can/cannot be re-yielded. can cannot 6. Closure of the debate necessities simple/ two-thirds majority. simple two-thirds 7. The delegate proposing a Moderated Caucus must specify capital city caucus topic ally counties 8. During a moderated caucus, motion to terminate the debate can/cannot be raised. can cannot 9. Given there is an objection by a Delegate to either the suspension or the adjournment, the Committee Staff can/cannot declare the session to be suspended or adjourned. can cannot 10. Point of personal privilege due to …………………………… is the only point of personal privilege type that could interrupt a speaker. audibility lack of materials power off View ResultsPlease provide your contact information to proceed.Group NumberGruoup Member NamesEmail Address *Results will come to your mail box. Please just write only 1 email address. Anyone in the group can give his or her email address.Consent *Yes, I agree with the privacy policy and terms and conditions.Start the team work 1!